
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Connecting with the past

This last 4 weeks has been full of reunions with people from my past. Yesterday I went to the memorial service for the mother (97 yrs old) of a boy I went to school with in grades 1-8. We didn't have kindergarten back then, and we went to one room schoolhouses until 5th grade. Our new school had 3 rooms and 50 students. The reason I went to the memorial was of course to see the boy I had gone to school with and 3 of his siblings that also went to the schools. It was so wonderful to see him after 54 years. On a sad note, he told me the other boy in our 8th grade graduating class of 4 had passed away earlier this year. The other girl went to my high school and I saw her on Sept. 27th. I will have a lot of good memories from these reunions to look back at in future days.

I cut up another strip set I had made several months ago that was mostly light and medium values with only a few darks in it. I thought the first squares I cut needed a little more light with them.
Now I am trying to decide whether to cut up some of the blue and green sets I have made. Maybe the answer will come to me later today.


  1. It is nice to reconnect with people from our past. Sad to hear that they have passed on though. I love the progress you have made with your quilt!

  2. HI Wanda,
    You know I am older than you and I find it rather interesting that I went to kindergarten and you didn't.
    We lived in Chicago so that might be the reason. I will have to ask my sister in-law, she lived in Sugar Grove, if she had kindergarten.
    My school reunions weren't as much fun as yours sounded.

  3. Living in town in Sandwich, I attended kindergarten. I know my friends living in the rural area of Sandwich did not have kindergarten either. And like you there were district country school houses.

    These reunions sure bring back a flood of memories don't they?

    Drama was my first thought when I looked at your advancing build up of squares. I like it.


  4. Love what you're doing with this diagonal blocks...

    I attended larger schools and there were no solid, lasting relationships formed, which is sad. I'm glad you have good memories to enjoy.

  5. Hi Wanda,
    I don't know how you do it, but your strip choices cause the quilt-to-be to positively glow! (you can see the glowing better if you click on the image)

    I went to school in the 60's, and in first grade we went to a 4-room school (2 classes of 1st grade, 2 classes of 2nd).
    Imagine our surprise when we came back to school after summer break, the old school house was gone and a shiny new K-6 building had been built behind it. Not nearly as charming, for sure.
    Vicky F

  6. It's looking good, Wanda!

    I was in a high school graduating class of about 150, and haven't made it to a reunion yet (graduated in '69), but have kept up with a couple of folks. I didn't go to kindergarten, either, and neither did my brothers or sister (all younger).

    Guess it depends on where you grew up.

  7. I have never wanted to go to a school reunion. It is odd that the one friend I am still close to, from those first school days, says she wouldn't go either!
    My brother went to one, & he said Never Again.


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