
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Aunt Marian 1910-2008

My mother's only sibling, her older sister Marian died yesterday afternoon. She had been in the hospital the last 2 weeks and stopped eating last Monday. Even though my mother was 8 1/2 years younger, she had 3 children before my aunt married and had her only child, a boy. Below is my aunt and me and my oldest brother so this was before Sept. 1942 when my other brother was born.
My aunt always had all of the family picnics in her back yard. This was probably 1946-47. I am the little girl in the chair in front of the tables and my aunt is to the right of me, and then my grandma.
My aunt had a deep faith in God and I know He helped her through some trying years.

Good-bye Aunt Marian, we will miss you.


  1. Your pictures are wonderful and the memories of those times will always be with you. When the family starts to dwindle it makes us think about our own mortality, and will there be anyone left to remember the names of all those relatives ? How is your mother taking the news of her sister? You have my sympathy.

  2. These are sad days for you and your family, yet I'm sure that assurance of faith that you will see her again gives you peace.

    My prayers...

  3. I am so very sorry for your loss, Wanda. My sincere condolences to you, your family, and all those who knew her and have memories of her.

    God bless and keep you all.

  4. Wanda,Our Sympathy to all,jmh

  5. 98 - wow, how fortunate to have had her in your life for so long! The photos are great. We never understand their importance when we take them but years later we treasure them above all other things. I'm sorry for your loss but, at the same time I home I am so lucky to have my Aunts around me into their 90's.

  6. What a wonderful tribute to your aunt. Everyone needs someone like her in their life.

    I bet you felt pretty special getting to sit next to her at the family gathering!

    I know all of my cousins used to "fight" over who got to sit next to grandma at the big table (it was a big honor).

    Take care, Wanda.
    Vicky F

  7. What a lovely way to share the news of your loss...

    My husband's family used to have huge family picnics in Pennsylvania ~ they have group photos along the lines of the one you shared.

    Take care ~ prayers for you and your parents and the rest of your family.

  8. Wanda, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. You certainly have some wonderful pictures of you and your family and your Aunt so that she can be remembered.

  9. Sorry to hear about your Aunt Marian. It's not easy to say goodbye, even when they've lived a long and full life to 98. Hugs to you and your family.

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt Marion. She sure had a long life. Sending hugs to you.

  11. Amazing photos and how wonderful she was able to stay with you all for so long. So sorry for those of you left behind for now.

  12. What a wonderful way to commemorate your aunt's passing!

    When I read your post I had just returned from my mom's(85) and had been going through our old family photos. I brought home several of her sister (95) when she was a baby.

    I just love old photos! I just wish everyone would go through and label who everyone is while the people who know the names are living. My mom needs to get it done, because I just don't know who the people are!

    I am so sorry for your loss!

  13. So sorry to hear of your loss, Wanda. Condolences to you and your family, particularly your Mom.
    The pictures are wonderful -- old pictures like that are so great to see. Nice way to remember your aunt.

  14. All my best to you and the rest of your family. What a wonderful life your aunt seems to have lived.

    I have an Aunt Marian who is famous in our family for her chocolate cake recipe - we even call it Aunt Marian's Chocolate Cake.

    I like your hair in the first pic.
    *S*....looks like a Mohawk, but i bet it's a curl....

  15. A lovely photo tribute to your Aunt Marian.

    I'm sure she felt your love through the years. My sincere sympathy to you.


  16. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your aunt. Wonderful pictures.

  17. Wanda,
    My sincere condolences to you and yours. Your Aunt Marian sounds like quite a lady- I loved the picture of you and your brother at a very young age.
    LIve laugh and love one another as you remember your beloved aunt.

  18. Well bless your heart. Memories and family pictures are a blessing in times like these. When I was small, I use to wonder how people could gather after a funeral and eat, laugh and the trappings that go along with a funeral. But now that I'm much older, I understand the need to remember, talk about the person. It's healing. Hope that helps a little. Take care.


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