
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pieces and Parts box, day 7

Here is a shot of the guest bedroom from the doorway. The room is a few inches bigger than 14' x 14'. At the left is my computer desk, just beyond that a twin bed, then the queen size bed. I usually have the TV on a pedestal in front of the window but I put it on a board on the twin bed where my company will probably lay their small bags (remember they are coming on a motorcycle). I figured the TV would get knocked over if I left it where it was. I'm sure the bedroom won't be this clean again for awhile so I need to enjoy it. I have all of the pieces cut for the border and up on the design wall. I hope to sneak in a few minutes of sewing here and there in the next few days.
Now back to the pieces and parts box: this is the group of wonky log cabins that I thought I was showing yesterday. There were 9 others that I have already made into a wallhanging. I consider these wonky log cabins but the other ones (yesterday) crazy piecing because they are more irregular in shape where these follow the traditional style of log cabin.
In about 1992 I made a series of low contrast and regular 9 patch blocks hoping to do kind of a colorwash effect with them. It didn't work out. I have made the rest of the light/pastel colored ones into a top that I haven't shown you yet. These are the leftovers.
This is the bright group of 9 patches that went with the above ones.
I have pulled out the really old leftovers and photographed them. I will be showing them on the days my company is here.


  1. What a comfy guest room. I hope the guest doesn't get too comfortable and stay too long! LOL! I've got company coming this weekend too - Summerset, from Pins and Needles. I actually have to straighten up the sewing room so she can sew in here. Egads!

  2. I'm really enjoying watching your wonky cabins come together.

  3. I absolutely love looking at these pictures of your leftovers -- it's pure eye candy! I see some little doll or teddy bear quilts in some of those pieces! :-)

    The blueberry explosion quilt is going to be utterly magnificent. Absolutely stunning.

  4. Gorgeous floral blocks and I adore what you've done with the crazy logs. Beautiful as ever!

  5. I love Catherine's name "blueberry explosion" for that quilt! And I love that quilt. The smaller blocks on the end look great, and the border that is mostly piano key but occasionally like a crazy block, is perfect.

    Lovely guestroom for sure!

  6. It is absolutely amazing how much better that blue quilt is looking with its new pieced border. Spectacular! Enjoy your company.


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