
Monday, July 28, 2008

Pieces and Parts box, day 4

I had my camera with me yesterday when I went to church so I took a picture after the service. It is out in the country with its little cemetery next door. We have less than 100 members so it is a small church, small congregation. This is where I went to Sunday School when I was a small child, until I was 17 and we then moved and changed to a church nearer to our house. I came back here about 5 years ago and have reconnected with others who were in Sunday School with me in the 1940's and 1950's. Now on to more treasures. These are the leftover parts from the Lady of the Lake variation, Lady of the Garden, one whole block, 2 half blocks and triangles, all floral fabrics.
I took a John Flynn workshop more than 10 years ago on braided borders. With him I finally found someone more into math than I am. He worked to the 16th of an inch in his directions
This is 2 tubes for Trip Around the World. I made matching pillow shams for a custom order to match the quilt they had purchased. I could probably get enough slices off of these for another pillow sham or maybe a little bigger. I have overlapped them so you can see the full fabric sequence.
The first Kaffe Fassett fabric collection that we carried in the store where I worked was the stripes. When the Glorious Patchwork book came out I fell in love with the one striped quilt. However I have never made it. I made 2 sample squares, and the attention deficit settled in and off I went on another tangent.
I have a box of even older pieces and parts that I will photograph to show while my brother and his wife are here at the end of the week. Meanwhile I have pieced some more border sections for the blue/purple crazy pieced quilt from a few days ago.


  1. More cool stuff! I love the braided borders. Some day I want to do that treatment on a quilt.

  2. I love the braids too. Anything in black and white catches my eye. I also love the floral Lady of the Garden blocks.

  3. i love those striped blocks...i'm playing with some shirting stripes also inspired by one of his quilts...

  4. I love, love, love those striped squares! Wow!

    I went to an APC growing up (Army Protestant Chapel) and the nice thing about that is they all look the same. They are not nearly so charming as your church, but when you move around a lot, it's nice to have something familiar wherever you go.

  5. I love those Lady of the Garden blocks and left-over bits! Of course, I love anything floral!
    Your church looks so charming, almost like something one might find in an old country village.

  6. How fun to have such lovely leftovers to share! Mine are just bits and pieces of this and that.

    Your church is beautiful - very charming.

  7. I love those black & white braided borders. Also the Lady of the garden florals.

  8. What a great phrase - "...the attention deficit settled in and off I went on another tangent." That describes me at times, also.

  9. Like Ann said, that phrase fits me, too.

    LOVE the photo of your church -- what I wish mine looked like (I know they needed more room, but I still prefer the old chapel to the new sanctuary).

  10. Lovely inviting. I like the K.Fassett blocks!


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