
Saturday, July 5, 2008

And the winners are......

I used the Random Number Generator to choose the winners for me. I wanted each of you to be a winner but I had to choose only 6. So the winners are

#1 Wallhanging--Jeanne Turner McBrayer

#2 Tiny Bow Tie quilt--Julie from Floribunda

#3 Post Card Art--Sequana

#4 30's Repro Scraps--Anna/Quiltmom

#5 Batik Scraps--Catherine/Quilt Obsession

#6 Reg. fabric scraps--Julie/Through the Barn Door

Congratulations to you! Please email me with your mailing addresses.

That was a lot of fun and I want to thank all 135 of you for entering my giveaway. I will do another smaller giveaway when I reach 500 posts, which should be around the first of September. I think batik scraps were very popular so I will start putting packets of them together as I work on projects over the next months.

Here is the last view of the layout of my newest quilt before I started sewing it together. I added another yellow fabric and am happier with it. I have been calling this a Kaffe Fassett fabric quilt, when in reality there are 2 other designers whose fabric he uses in his latest books. They are Martha Negley and Philip Jacobs, also Rowan designers for Westminster fabrics. I have used a couple of each of their fabrics in this quilt.

I have 7 rows sewn together so far. I have a couple sidetracks to deal with today and then I should get back to the rest of the rows.


  1. Congrats to the winners! What terrific prizes! I am still in love with this quilt...simply fabulous!

  2. Yea, yea, yea.......*S*

    Do you still have my address?

  3. Those extra colors really put an extra "spark" in your quilt. Can't wait to see it when it is finished.
    Congrats to all the winners of your goodies.

  4. Yay for all the winners! What a great prize giveaway. Thanks for letting us have a chance and hope you keep blogging for a long time to come.
    That quilt is luscious.

  5. Wanda, that is a happy quilt!! I love how the fourpatches line up diagonally here and there. Beautiful!

    Hope you had a great Blogiversary!

    Mary G.

  6. Wooo hooo! I can't believe I'm a winner. Thank you so much for your generous blogaversary drawing.

    I sooo love your colorful quilts. This new one is great.

  7. Like the lighter shading much better ~ wow!!

  8. Wow!! I can't believe I won. I am SO excited and have plans for those batik scraps!
    I love the look of your quilt now -- it is SO vibrant!

  9. Congrats to the winners and happy blogiversary to you!

    I think the quilt looks like "Exuberant Color!"

  10. Congrats ladies! I love the addition of the yellow. Makes a real difference.

  11. By now all your followers know what a giving person you are. You have shared your talents with tutorials,nature photos, quilts that take our breath away and now your give aways to celebrate a wonderful year for all of us. A BIG thank you to you Wanda.

    I too love this quilt in the making ~ will we see it as "my current favorite" soon ?


  12. Congrats to the winners - shame I wasn't one! Still, I have the opportunity to drool over your fabulous quilts, so hey! This one looks so good, and the yellow and lime green dashes really light it up.

  13. The quilt is wonderful! You're giving me ideas and enthusiasm for creating my first quilt with scraps from my stash!

    Congrats to all the winners, and kudos to you for being so generous.

  14. I am so happy to be the winner of the little quilt! Thanks so much for your generosity.


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