
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Playing with new blocks

I haven't made very many of the new blocks yet, but I have to put them up on the wall to see what is happening. Here is a horizontal layout. Then I took the blocks down and tried a vertical layout. I can see I need a lot more blocks to get a good transition from light to dark. I'll probably make blocks for about 2 weeks. I tried adding in a little black and white. I think maybe I'll do one where all of the centers are black and white.
Here are the little star flowers that just appeared in my back garden a few years ago. I remember them from when I was a small child and we had them in the front yard. Out on the farm we had a huge front yard which wasn't mowed when I was real little. I think it started getting mowed the year after the bumblebee nests were in there and my older brother was almost old enough to help with the mowing.
I have 3 of these bush/trees growing in the back yard now. They just appeared about 3 years ago. I cut them down but they grow right up to 4' again. Here is a full picture and
here is a closeup of the flowers. The flowers are on the top of the branches at every spot that leaves branch off. I think I saw trees with these same flowers along the long driveway into the nursery where I got my plants. Unfortunately I was on my way out when I saw them and it is a one lane drive about 1/4 mile long so I didn't want to turn around and go back and ask if they knew what they are.


  1. We had those white star flowers everywhere when I was little - I loved them!

    Have you decided whether or not you will add any kind of border to your batik top(s)? They're fabulous!!

  2. The black and white is an interesting touch! Gives the whole quilt a different feel.

  3. The first flower name is Zephyrantes and the second I guess it's a relative to Lonnicera. Does it have a sweet smell like honey ?if yes is the answer this is the plant...and to not forget ;)): I do love the way your crazy turn out.

  4. I agree with tiktakro -- I think those bushes are honeysuckle (lonicera) -- we used to pull the stamens out and suck on the drop of honey at the end when I was a kid!

  5. I sure wish I could help on the plants but the plants that I am familiar with are all for deserts or low water situations. Good luck.

  6. we have the little star flowers in our yard; we accidentally spread them last summer when we dug out our front flower bed. We thought we had sifted out the little bulbs, but they came up everywhere the dirt was spread (instead of being in a discrete clump).

    The other looks like honeysuckle - does it smell sweet?

  7. That new camera is absolutely amazing , the detail you capture is like that of a camera with all the 'bells 'n whistles' needed to dial in before you take a photo.

    I had to scroll down and look at May 22nd entry to see the difference in those blocks versus todays entry. And sure enough there there is a difference, could it be your pieces of black and white ? If we could vote I think I like horizontal blocks for today.


  8. The white flowers look like Honeysuckle to me too. There are many varieties of Honeysuckle. Most of ours is cream almost yellow.
    Your blocks are interesting with the black & white.

  9. I think they're honeysuckle too. If so, they have an amazing fragrance, kind of like gardenias. Your quilts are stunning, and I love the black and white touches! These are great studies for many, many paintings.


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