
Sunday, May 25, 2008

It was so much fun I'm doing it again

That last quilt top was so much fun I am starting another. I guess you call this a series. I want to make 3 or 4 smaller pieces trying out different ideas. Here is the first Spiderwort bloom.
The pink columbines are just starting to bloom.
Here is the pink columbine plant. It is about 2 feet tall now.
One of my grandsons graduates from high school today, the other grandson graduated Friday. It is supposed to be a sunny warm day turning to rain late afternoon. I need some rain on my freshly planted perennials.


  1. I love Columbine, but I have been unable to get it to come back the next year. I enjoy your garden pics.

  2. Seems to me the pics of your gardens are every bit as wonderful as the ones Martha puts up. *S* And you don't have a staff of thousands.
    I particularly liked that plan to have all shades of greens in the leaves for when the blooms are gone.

  3. Isn't spring just great! I love that you're making a series. I love these quilts. Sparkling!

  4. Always look forward to an inspiring visual treat on a Sunday morning with a visit to Exuberant Color!


  5. I'm curious about how you put your blocks together for these quilts. Looks like there are rows of the same height. (I've thought that fitting totally different sized blocks together would drive me personally wonky.) Do you choose some widths for the rows and then only make blocks those widths? Or cut them down after they are made?

    I really like the way your wuilt tops look and am wondering about the method, should I want to follow your example.

  6. Hi Wanda, Congratultions to those handsome
    grandsons! Where do the years go? Your garden
    is doing great. How about a "garden walk " soon.?
    Love the pics. jmh

  7. Thanks for sharing the garden photos... the growth and renewal of spring is so good for our souls! Congrats on the graduations (our youngest nephew graduated from high school in Michigan Friday evening - the 5th of the 5 grandsons).

  8. Your garden looks so lush & green. It seems incredible to think the ground was covered in snow in the winter.
    More interesting ideas for sewing.

  9. Can't wait to see the series -- what in particular are you exploring?

    Love the inspiration in your blog!

  10. Looking forward to seeing the series too. I'd like to try something similar if that is ok by you. What size are the strips, or are they just pulled out of the scrap bin?


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