
Monday, May 19, 2008


It was in the 30's this morning and I had to turn the heat on to take the chill off the house. There was a brisk breeze yesterday and cooler temperatures. We get spoiled with a couple really nice days in the upper 70's.

I quilted this little quilt while watching the season finale of Desperate Housewives. I did all ditch quilting in the center and free motion in the border.
I think I will just fold the backing over the edges for the binding so I have trimmed the batting even with the quilt top. Now I just need to trim the backing to an even width and then fold in twice and topstitch. The free motion is a series of loops and swirls.
I have to finish up with a picture of the mourning doves. I have several pairs of them living near me.


  1. Wow, you're fast! The backing fabric I see peeking around the edges looks like fun.

    Cold here, too, but not as bad as where you are. I keep thinking the color weather is over for the season, but I keep being wrong.

  2. I've never done a binding from the back. Funny how easy it is to just do what was taught, instead of think of all the options!

    Our weather is simply up/down nuts. We had the air conditioner on Friday and Saturday. It got very chilly and rained yesterday, and the wind blew so hard last night that we could not open the windows (my hubby can't sleep with the noise of wind rattling the windows). Today looks good. Time to get out in the garden. Love your garden pictures, but glad to see more quilts too!

  3. Wonderfully fun colors... I needed those today. Thanks!

  4. The weather here is horrible too. We had a wind chill of minus 1C last night. Who ever has wind chill values in May here??!!

    Your quilt looks warm -- which is a very good thing today. We're still at only about 45 and have to have the heat on again. So a warm quilt looks very inviting!

  5. I agree with Jovali Quilts ~ You are amazingly FAST! But we knew that all along with as much as you share with us on a daily basis.

    I'm sure everyone in the class will want to duplicate that those fabrics, for their quilts also.

    I love doves also... we have a pair nesting in a tree near by also.

  6. p.s. we are in the mid 80's today... But breezy... with a cold front headed our way. That was me "anonymous anonymous"


  7. It is a perfect backing for the quilt, & will make a nice finish to the front.

  8. ...quilted this little quilt while watching the season finale of Desperate Housewives...

    Do you think that only quilters (and maybe knitters) understand how you can quilt and 'watch' tv at the same time?


  9. Nice to meet you,
    I'm from Japan.
    Glad to meet you.

    Indeed I am sorry,Please link to this site.
    Keep it up please.

  10. Love the brightness of that quilt. I have never turned the backing to the front to make the binding but I'm thinking I might do it one of these times. Do you iron the edges down before top stitching it?

  11. That's a pretty little quilt - lotsa bright colors, and the big swirlies, are my favorite kind of machine quilting.

    Stay warm! LOL

  12. good choice on the border fabric... it ties everything together really nicely. That's going to be an adorable quilt.


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