
Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This is the best shot of a sunrise I can get from my house. I like living in town though so I won't complain. You can see my view includes a telephone pole in front of my house. My husband almost didn't say OK to this house because of it. I have gotten used to it and the only time it bothers me is when I am trying to take a picture of the front of the house. I have to try many angles before I find one that doesn't include the pole. Across the street I have the colorful cable box and fire hydrant. It is nothing to compare with the beautiful views of sunrises that I have seen on other blogs, but it is my view. I have spent the last 2 days quilting and binding Sankaku as a store sample for the quilt shop in town. I bound it with the same wood grain purple that is in the quilt.
The sun is shining again today! After a really gloomy February this feels so good to have sun so many days in a row.

Yesterday I got my first foreign language comment. I will have to figure out what it says.


  1. Nice sunrise ~ I see you have some grass showing and snow is almost gone. (*._,*)

    Want to remind those that are new to your blog to click on quilt to enlarge~ as it always shows detail of your talent and fabrics. I REAllY LIKE the narrow binding you finished with.


  2. It is sunny here too, but with wind. The snow is rapidly melting so I'm checking for the first tulip tips. They always peek through before I expect them, so this year I'm trying to catch them in the act.

    I'm working on a mystery quilt, and it is lots of fun, but I still haven't a clue what it will look like when completed. My K-2 is nearly finished. I'll post it soon.

    Still reading your blog every day, and do have a good one!

  3. This quilt is so pretty. I love that centre panel.

  4. I believe there is a way to translate on the internet. I don't know where it is. You might try googling.

  5. I love your view:-) being in Australia,I'm a tad jealous of your snow though! Keep posting your inspirational work,-it keeps me motivated:-)

  6. Your quilt is very triangular. I love the purple!


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