
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Playtime 2

Thanks for all of the great response to "Playtime" and "Pieces and Parts Piled". Many of my quilted pieced are started from playtime. I know you will all feel the same excitement that I do if you let yourself play. I think some people take it all too seriously and that every piece has to be a masterpiece and every piece has to be perfect. Do they really enjoy the making of those? I think every piece needs to be exciting to make no matter how it turns out.

Here are some play pieces from yesterday. Unfortunately my scraps bins are overwhelming and I need to do a major sorting again. I like all the small pieces in one bin, med, in another, and larger scraps really need to be cut down unless they are being saved as borders. I'm not sure how I will trim these down yet; I need to make a lot more before I make that decision.
A lot of people are making Artist Trading Cards (ATC) so I decided to start playing with that little size (2.5" x 3.5") to see if it would be fun. You can see how little they are compared to the 4" x 6" postcard size. They are the size of a playing card from a deck of cards.
I just put a batik fabric on the back and did the satin stitch edge.
I have a question for you: does a gourmet cook always make gourmet food, or do they play once in a while with ordinary food?


  1. Good question about the gourmands (assuming that one who cooks gourment also has a discerning palette). On PBS, there is a show Jacques Pepin "Fast Food" my way... That is still fancy in my book.

    I know some who proclaim not to bow down to boxed products...

  2. You have piqued my interest with that postcard back. Is that from software? Would you let me know how you did it? Love your blog. Always something interesting going on.

  3. I think there is a part of me that is too practical. Whenever I think of making something frivolous, I ask myself, "But what use will it be?"
    I suppose this is the difference between creative people, & not so creative. I love to experiment with food, & I never, or rarely, used patterns for my crochet. I had standard plain sizes for knitting, & did my own patterns & variations. I do make quilt designs up, but am less likely to make small things like postcards.
    You are right, I should give myself more leeway to play!

  4. Do you ever throw any scraps away? I thought your postcards were small and now you show us the playing cards! (*._,*) Another great idea Wanda. What 'filler' if any do you use with these small pieces?



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