
Sunday, March 30, 2008


Every city or town or village has their perks that they offer the citizens. One of the perks in my little town is free brush pick up. I have at least 5 redbud trees in my back yard and they are notorious for losing branches over the winter and in summer storms. We have once a month pickup for about 7 months and all we have to do is pile the branches near the curb. Our April pickup in Ward 1 is tomorrow, Mar. 31st. It is a good thing I read the paper this week or I would have had mine out on the first Monday of April as usual. I could take a picture of the pile on the end of the driveway but you will just have to imagine it.

I am still making the centers surrounded by one border. I trimmed a bunch more of them last night and just put them up on the wall with the smallest in the center working out to larger ones. I will play again with all of the light ones grouped working out to dark. I will probably continue making these for a couple months before I decide what to do with them.
I went to a wedding reception yesterday afternoon. I am not a social person and usually I have very little in common with most of the people. Well this party was different. The mother of the bride was a quilter so I was invited to sit at the table with the bride and groom (my nephew) and my sister in law (mother of the groom) and the mother of the bride and we talked quilting. I actually had a good time. The sun was shining and temps in the 40's so we didn't have to worry about the driving either. A very good day!


  1. Love seeing the various layouts!

    Glad the wedding was fun. I went to an out-of-state family event a couple years ago where I knew very few of the other people, but it turned out one woman was a quilter and so we headed off to a quilt shop for a couple hours before the big event. Great fun!

  2. Every time I go to an event where there are quilters, I'm amazed at how we connect. It isn't unique though... whenever my husband enters a room of strangers, no matter if there are 50 or 500 of them, he very quickly is talking to another person who likes to fly airplanes. This happens so often that I've wondered if they have some sort of secret ID.

    At least we can wear what we do on our clothing (even if it is just the lint from the last sewing frenzy!!)

    Sunny here, but still around freezing. April will bring tulips, it always does, but the wait seems so long.

    happy quilting!

  3. I'm mesmerized. Can't stop looking at this. Just wonderful.

  4. These blocks look even better enlarged, and I do agree with 'Jacquie' they are mesmerizing.

    What a treat for you yesterday, I am pleased it was a fun event to be a part of.

    Our weather for today is a good day for a picnic down by the river... Cool and with no bugs (*._,*) J~MT

  5. Glad you,too, had a good day at the wedding reception.Time went too fast. jmh

  6. Whew - I just read 98 posts of yours on bloglines. What a treat! I'm loving it all, as always...thanks for sharing all your color and light.

  7. I laughed at the fact the brush collection for April will be on March 31st!
    It is lovely to find kindred spirits to talk with at social occasions!
    Those play blocks are looking good!

  8. Loving those colors and the vibrant pattern of this quilt! Glad your enjoyed the wedding.


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