
Monday, March 24, 2008

Charity work

One of the things my church sewing circle does is make layettes for the tiny preemies at a local hospital. I think these are the size large. We make these in 4 sizes with knitted blankets and a receiving blanket measuring just 10" or 12" square. The little kimonos will have a ribbon run through the neckband so the nurses can gather it up closer to the body. They are a simple serger project. Here is another of the screen print panels. I have 3 of these and one more like it but hollow letters (not filled in). I will have them all up on my blog-shop tomorrow morning.


  1. How sweet those preemie outfits are -- I can't believe the tiny size of the blankets! I'm sure they are very much appreciated.

  2. There is a programme here for "Little Quilts for Love"- think that is the correct name. The group make 24" square quilts for the stillborn babies. It is a lovely idea, & I have heard some very nice stories, which seems incredible at such a terrible time. Somehow they give great comfort to the parents of a lost baby.

  3. Another act of charity, I know you give of yourself in so many ways with the preemie layettes along with the QOV touches the hearts of so many. I admire all your giving, if only more people were like you!



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