
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Snow and snowmen

Did anybody else out there make every Debbie Mumm pattern that came out in the late 1980's? I just loved cutting all of those strips, then squares and rectangles, and having piles of each to assemble the blocks. I think this is the only one I still own. It has polyester batting in it so I had a hard time trying to make it hang straight. I guess I could have used pins! It is just stuck on my flannel covered design wall here. I quilted swirling snow in the background. It is 25" x 32". As far as real snow goes, I still have a pile along the driveway, our yards are still covered but the streets are clean. We had 40 degrees and an inch of rain on Sunday, falling temperatures yesterday, and skating rinks everywhere the rainwater had collected. It was 2 degrees this morning.
We have had such mild winters the last few years that this one is feeling really loooooong.


  1. Charming snowmen~ Debbie Mumm always makes my head turn with her designs. You have complimented her with your snow men.

    I'm in awe of your pile of snow even after a rain and melting temps. Do I dare mention I've seen a robin already?


  2. p.s. I agree your winter has been a long one I agree. But your blog has made my winter just melt away with visiting you daily. With your beautiful "exuberant colorful" quilts that you share plus tutitorials. You are an inspiration to all.

  3. That snowman design is clever -- there's something delightful in using straight edges to make a round shape.

    Leap year always makes winter seem extra long. Come the first of March I can say that spring begins this month, but sometimes I think that extra day in February will be more than I can take!

  4. That is an interesting idea- the thought that the extra day in Feb makes a longer winter!
    It might make our summer longer!
    It hasn't been much of a Summer for the surf lovers, but it has been an easier one for me, so far.

    I love the idea of all that snow, but don't know how I would cope. I would need a good few of those wonderful bright quilts to keep me warm, I am thinking.

  5. Not having been someone who uses polyester batting, I did not know that using poly would cause it to hang less well. My sister decided to retry hand quilting my Aunt Esther's quilt, but she changed to poly batting, a choice she claims made it easier for a beginner.


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