
Friday, February 1, 2008

Post first or shovel first????

Well I guess it was our turn this time. It started snowing yesterday morning and continued into this morning. All of the local schools are closed today. This is the view when I first got up looking at my back yard neighbor's house. And now looking out the garage door. My snow plow guy hasn't been here yet.
The birds have to fight a little harder to get to the seeds. I think we got in excess of 8" of snow. I'll know a little better in a few minutes when I put on my boots and go out to shovel.
Here is another Buggy Barn pattern quilt that I started with my class years ago. I decided to forget about the last 6 blocks that I hadn't cut yet and just finish it with the blocks that were done.
This one is flannel, or brushed cotton as the manufacturer calls it.


  1. I'm so glad you posted first! Hurry back inside after you shovel (I so do not miss that activity!!)...

  2. Those snowy pictures are a good lead-in to flannel quilts! We are also suffering from snow and cold here in the middle of Alberta. It is -10F here, with the sun deceptively shining. I haven't any flannel quilts in mind, but a Buggy Barn seems like a great idea right now!

  3. We got dumped on also. If it wasn't for the horrors of driving in the snow it would be so lovely. It makes it so much cozier inside.

    I got my yoyo maker and as soon as I get over the flu I am going to try it out.

  4. We too got a good snowfall yesterday. I have been feeling a little (very little) left out. Snow is heavy in our mountains, but for what ever reason our valley was not getting it.

    Enjoyed studying todays quilt that is bright and sparkling with color and design. Hearts and stars what a great combination plus the plaid and check flannels you have used.


  5. Woo hooo! What a great day to stay INSIDE and sew! LOVE to walk in the stuff, when it's fresh and undisturbed, BEFORE the guys get out their snowblowers, frmmmm, frmmmmm, noisy, disturbing things!

  6. I've never experienced shoveling snow firsthand, until this past December in Fargo, ND. What a job! It is wonderful, though, to be sitting inside a nice, warm and cozy house looking out on the gorgeous scenery and quilting. Thanks for sharing. -Terri

  7. Love the snow pictures. I measured 8 inches.
    Flannel quilt is beautiful. jmh

  8. Lots of snow! Just the weather for sewing flannel.

  9. I wrote a comment & it must have got lost!
    I love the photos, the one with the neighbour light is like a postcard.
    I love the pristine look of the snow but no the aftereffects.

    Nice cosy flannel is the thing for snowy cold days. Hope you are keeping warm!

  10. Well, it's about time - welcome to the club! All I can say is, this too shall pass...although my little weather icon is flashing at me again. Rats!

    I'm tagging you, by the way. Hope you don't mind.


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