
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Another finish!

This is the next to last heart quilt (I think) and it is finally finished. The top was on my design wall for about 8 years. I looked at it every day and I really liked it but I never pushed myself to finish it. Why? When you finish something, it becomes something someone else wants. When it is unfinished it belongs to me. I am always tempted to sell them or give them as gifts once they are finished. I took this picture with natural light yesterday since it is bright in my studio when there is snow on the ground. Notice my wonky single chain in the burgundy area? I am sick of trying to be perfect, I would rather have fun. Besides that I am a little wonky. Just ask my friends. This piece is 20" square. Someone asked in the comments yesterday about the size of the bag I posted. I took this picture and emailed it to her but then I decided maybe some others wondered about the size too. I don't even know what the original size of the bag was on the pattern. I just use whatever size my patchwork piece is and then use the same general directions for assembly.
I ended up canceling the computer class I teach at the sewing machine store because of the snow predicted. In the end we only got about 2" and didn't get any of the snow they predicted for overnight. It is going to be cold (20's) and several of the ladies travel over 20 miles so I think it was the thing to do anyway. So that gives me a snow day and I have a list of 4 things I want to accomplish.


  1. The pebble fabric on border is amazing... it looks like real pebble mat in the photo.(they sell them in home dec stores) This heart quilt is so unique with your fabric choices. I stumble around in the fabric store and always end up with monotones when selecting for a quilt top. This one shows how to companion fabrics that work. And I love your thoughts that "it is yours until it is finished". I think I will embroider that on a pillow. (*._,*) J~MT

  2. But, it IS still yours! I hope you hang it up in your home where you can continue to enjoy it... and I love your wonky border stitching!

    Oh, what I wouldn't give for a snow day at home!

  3. That heart quilt is just lovely and that bag - ! Love it!

  4. Another heart-stopping quilt! I love it, as usual with your quilts.

  5. Your colorwash heart is amazing, and I love the pebble fabric. I never would have thought to use that, and it adds so much! And I just love your "tool bag". So bright and cheerful!

  6. Hope you had a good 'snow day'. Why is it that the weathermen rarely get it right? We had severe weather warnings here in the UK a couple of weeks ago, some things were cancelled, and all we got here was a 15 minute blizzard which didn't even settle on the roads!


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