
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

And the winner is.........

MOTHER NATURE!!!!! Or maybe the winner was the weatherman, because he was right for once. Here is the snow coming down in little puff balls last night.
By 7 a.m this morning.
This is the forsythia bush outside my kitchen window. I wanted to get a picture before this guy.......
knocked all the snow off getting to the bird's food.

The scene out my dining room window is beautiful. You can see this was a piling snow and under it all is the layer of sleet we got first. It is definitely still winter in northern Illinois.


  1. How pretty! Especially if you can stay inside. I wish we had gotten some "real" snow this year. We get a good snow only once every few years.

  2. Looks so pretty. The winters can be very longafter a lot of snow.Vera. ( good pictures ).

  3. WHile I appreciate being able to "go" year round here (as in NOT driving in or having to shovel the snow), I really do miss the scenes like you have shared today.

    There's nothing like the unexpected gift (freedom) of staying home from work with a "snow day" (especially when you have power)...

  4. Really pretty. We're getting some of that storm today. While it's pretty and all, this has been an incredibly snowy winter!

  5. I'm thinking, "Wanda likes color too much to be inspired by these scenes and make a quilt, or I could be wrong because she also like zebras?"

    Are you going out to make a snowman?!

    Great photos.

  6. Snow at its loveliest! We missed out on the storm, just got rain and a little wet snow, plus wind. Not nearly so pretty as what you got!

  7. Wonderful pictures, Wanda, especially the
    squirel.The last picture would take a prize!!

  8. I'm behind in blog reading - again - what else is new - and wanted to say again how wonderful it is to see your posts - every post has a beautiful quilt on it.
    Then I came here and saw a quiltless post! The backyard and snow pictures are beautiful as well. What a special treat!

  9. Beautiful snow pictures.
    It always amazes me how the animals can still get about in such cold temperatures. I had thought Squirrels hibernated, for some reason.

  10. The pictures are beautiful. NC gets little snow anymore.
    Stay inside and enjoy the extra time to quilting.

  11. Beautiful. I can hear the silence (I don't know how else to describe it). But I'm glad we don't have snow to contend with! Stay safe!

  12. I agree with all, your photo's show the beauty of a fresh snow fall. But your winter has been a whopper to say the least. And I do not know if I would be happy to hear the sound of a snow plow as my 'morning alarm' as often as you have had this winter.

    Sure hope this snow fall held off till your art quilters made it back home on Monday.

  13. Your pictures are so beautiful! It's been a long time since I've been in a snowfall like that (grew up in Mich). I kinda miss the excitement of "snow day!". No such thing as "rain day"! Hee hee. Hope you had a good one!


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