
Saturday, January 12, 2008

"Need to Finish" box, part 3

I'm having fun going through this box now. I will pick the ones I want to finish this year, sell some (I hope) and leave some for next year. This one is 51" square. Several books came out with the "round" log cabin, where you get the curve in the layout. It can be done 2 different ways, one way with 2 different log widths and the other way by putting one log on 2 sides and then 2 logs on the other 2 sides. This one was done the second way. The four corner blocks and the four center blocks have double logs on the dark sides and the ring of blocks between them has double logs on the light side. This was a fun experiment but I wasn't really careful about keeping the blocks square as I worked so the top is a little wavy. I know that it will all be eased in with the basting and quilting so I am not worried about it. I would have tried to sell it if it had been a nice square, flat top.


  1. Wanda,
    You are like a magician with a box of magic tricks. We never know what you will come up with next. You keep on surprising us with your colorful magic. I think you could sell this one !

  2. I like this layout and the colors,Wig.

  3. What fun it is to click into your blog especially on the weekends and see more treasures. All of your quilts are 'timeless'. Color selection and layout is wonderful. Brightens up my Saturday. Looking forward to tomorrow. J~MT

  4. Great colors and so much movement. I love quilts that are interesting. It certainly feels good to get through all of the 'finish these' drawers/boxes. I spend a good part of last year doing that.

  5. What a nice pattern it makes! So pretty.

  6. I never heard of that 2 log method... Just the 2 different sizes method.

  7. Well, ~I~ wouldn't have sold it! It's another stunner. That incandescent center is really something.


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