
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Doing the math

Meggie mentioned in one of her comments about not liking the math part of a project. That is my favorite part. Remember I showed this book to you a couple weeks ago and said I wanted to make the cover quilt? Well I got it out yesterday and ironed the creases out of all of the fabric and then looked at the cutting directions to see how many strips I needed to cut. If I had followed their directions, I would have needed to cut 2 strips to get 1 block with most of the second strip not needed. I re figured the measurements so I could get one block out of each strip that is cut. My blocks will end up 12.5" square instead of 15" square as in the book. I have enough strips cut for 19 blocks right now. I need to find one more color I like or cut an extra strip of one that is there.
I'm auditioning for the center squares right now.
I finally got a picture with the red spot on this guy's head even though he wouldn't pose nicely for me.
Here is one of my favorite quotes. I have been following its advice for quite a few years now. It isn't always easy to be confident enough to do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do.

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. William Shakespeare


  1. I'm going to be aiming for that "do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do" this year! You're so right -- it isn't always easy to do that.
    Your bird pictures make me smile.

  2. Wow - that's going to be another AWESOME quilt!!

    I'm with Meggie, I dislike the math part ("must use calculator"), although I will continue to endure the mental gymnastics and/or customize the pattern to suit my needs :-)

  3. Clever. I'm like Meggie. I don't like the math part and usually get it wrong when I do use it.

  4. I always get it wrong! Even following advice in 'how to' books, I just don't get it!
    I just love those hot colours you are using there. It will be a wonderful book!

    That advice is certainly true, & I think I live by that, even if sometimes toes get trodden on, a little.

  5. I LOVE the math part of quilting! Your quilt is going to be gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing it develop.

  6. With me, I think it took a while before the "math part" felt right. I like math, but it didn't seem to rest comfortably among all of the purty fabric. As time goes by, it's starting to seem like a more natural part of the process.

  7. When I did maths at school, I never thought I'd use it as much as I have as a quilter. Not long ago, I spent ages looking for a protractor. We must have had dozens of geometry sets go through this house, and they've left little mark! Found one eventually. Hooray for maths!


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