
Sunday, December 30, 2007

The visitors I was looking for

Here is Mr. Woodpecker in action. He wouldn't turn his head so I could get a picture with the red spot on the back of his head. Mrs. Woodpecker I guess because there is no red spot on her head.
And big red himself. It took 3 tries for one to stay long enough for me to get the camera on and set for no flash.


  1. I will have to send you a photo of our Piliated wood peckers. They can take down a tree in a day! Well maybe not a day...but close. And thanks for the session on How much should I buy... J~MT

  2. We get the Downy (male with the red spot on his head) and Red-Bellied woodpeckers (it was a long time before I knew that it wasn't the red-headed woodpecker LOL!) here too. I lvoe watching them! I had to give up on the suet feeder because the raccoons kept stealing them. Now we jsut spread peanut butter on the tree and they seem happy with that.

  3. I wrote a long comment on here, & got told it was not able to be posted! Pah!
    I love your birds.
    And thankyou for the yardages for backings.


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