
Sunday, November 11, 2007

A little sunshine on a dreary day

I have always loved triangles and had played with lots of layouts, but when "Spectacular Scraps" by Hooworth and Rolfe was published, it revived my interest and wow, the colors in the book! I pulled a lot of reds and yellows and started piecing and playing. I even got a chance to use one of the large prints from the early 1990's for the border.
I used my embroidery machine and a card of quilting designs to quilt the center of the diamonds.
I made 2 quilts from this combination of colors and then gave all of the leftover pieced squares to a friend.


  1. I took their class at Houston one year and made two quilts with their technique. We even brought Judy to VA for a class. It's a fun technique - I need to do more!

  2. This will chase the blues away ! It's great !

  3. Wow! I bet it looks even better in real life!

  4. Red and yellow. University of Iowa colors. Great quilt!

  5. Definitely warms the heart! I really like the way the border works.

  6. Love the quilt. The colors are exuberant indeed!

  7. Wow ... dramatically simple but SO effective (not to mention wonderfully color-saturated!). Thanks (just ordered the book - can't wait for it to arrive...)


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