
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Elongated Stars

Here is another quilt inspired by the Mary Ellen Hopkins Connecting Up series of books. The elongated star is in more than one book. I used all batiks in this one and it is orange and purple. It was hard to get a picture to read the colors that way I think they look in real life. This is pretty close. This one measures 32-1/2" x 38-1/2". Here is a detail of some of the fabrics and the quilting.
It is 33 degrees (brrr) and sunny this morning. I hope to stay home all day today. My parents and I did the grocery shopping yesterday after my mother's foot dr. appointment and lunch. We have tried to stay on a schedule for groceries always on Tuesday and it was really hard to get my mother to believe that she could get a grocery list made by Monday. She will be 89 on Dec. 4th and my parents have been married 70-1/2 years. It isn't easy watching them wobble along, wondering if they are going to fall and hurt themselves. But then it wasn't easy watching the 2 kids wobble around and fall when they were little either!


  1. So wise to stick to a schedule like you're doing, for your parents AND for yourself.

    Love the elongated stars!

  2. I'm surprised at how well the elongated stars fit with the others. Your parents are so lucky they still have each other. It's pretty lonesome for older folk when they are left alone after many years of marriage.

  3. Your role-reversal comments always make me nostalgic for my parents, both gone now, but in our home and care for a year before they were willing to leave the farm and go into a seniors lodge. These are good days, even with the wobbling and fears. You will treasure them for the rest of your days!

    And I love this starry quilt!

    It's -14 C. here, which is about O F, snowy and windy. I am thinking about hibernation!

  4. Amazing that both your parents are still with you. I really loved hearing your analogy about "wobbling" along as Seniors, and as toddlers. Heartwarming statement. Thank you.

  5. I loved that comment too, about the oldies, & the toddlers. My mother was fiercely independant, & it took a lot for us to convince her to hire a wheelchair for her shopping outings. She is gone now, & I would give anything to be able to still take her shopping.
    Love those batiks, & the stars.

  6. I love the colour scheme for this quilt. I love purples and oranges together.

  7. You have so many beautiful quilts, Wanda! The batiks in this one are lovely, and I like the slanted stars.


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