
Sunday, September 23, 2007


I'm going to play a little with my rainbow crazy pieced blocks. I wanted to try a checkerboard effect and I will try a blend of the colors too. I will take pictures on this journey so that just in case I make more blocks than I need in one quilt or wallhanging, I will have options to choose from for the rest of the blocks.


  1. Wow! I love the colours!

    Taking pictures along the way is always a very good idea. Then you have a reminder for that one layout that you absolutely love but can't quite remember how it went together :)

  2. I think this layout is a winner. Your colors have such energy! Your whole blog is a treat.

  3. A treat indeed! I just love seeing al your ideas, & can feel the wonderful energy flowing from the colours.

  4. I love the shading on each block. It's going to look wonderful no matter what setting you choose.

  5. I LOVE this one . Great colors - great idea !

  6. I LOVE that checkerboard layout!


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