
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Nature everywhere

I went down to my local sewing machine store to teach a class yesterday and this is what was on the front window, a praying mantis. Five and a half hours later he was still there so I started taking pictures. The store owner got up into the window area and held a placemat up behind him so I could get a better shot.
Then so you would know how big he was she held a dinner size plate behind him.
He was praying the entire time, I'm sure to be back home again instead of downtown with concrete and lots of cars going by.


  1. I think he must love quilting and was fascinated with what he was seeing in the display!

  2. He was a large one!
    I forgot to say, in your last post, with the lovely unfurling Rose of Sharon flowers, how beautiful they are.
    I feel like that about little piglets when they are first born. They remind of little rosebuds, about to open up.
    You may find that a very odd comparison, & I guess it is, really!

  3. Lets hope he was praying for you!

  4. Such a helpful and understanding store owner. And the PM, handsome, most handsome.


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