
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hot and Muggy

We are between rain storms and it is extremely muggy and 87 degrees. Usually the squirrels are running all over the backyard, chasing each other up and down the trees, and jumping tree to tree. I just looked out my kitchen window and did a double take. What was that up in my tree? The longer I looked I could see it was a squirrel tail. Then I went to the other window and this is what I saw. He is stretched out full length with his tail dropped between the branches and he's not moving anything but his eyes! I wish I could have gotten to the camera sooner because the whole length of his tail was hanging down when I first looked out. So this is what squirrels do when it is too hot to move!


  1. What great photos! It has started my day with a real laugh! I have never seen a real squirrel, & enjoy seeing pictures of them in their natural habitat.

  2. That squirrel just looks sooo hot and tired! Great photo.

  3. That squirrel's bones melted. I started reading your post and I was thinking, "that sounds just like the weather here!" Then I looked at your sidebar - Illinois. I'm in Bloomington-Normal. I can SO completely sympathize. I think it's like being in the top two inches of a pasta pot out there.

  4. What a great photo! We have squirrels here, too, but none that relax in that way!


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