
Monday, August 13, 2007

Another side of me

As much as I love bright, clear colors, I like all types of fabric. I like plaids and like the way they mix in with the country style prints. I started this quilt back in the time period when we were into the Red Wagon books and more primitive style quilts. I made the log cabin blocks first and they were for a specific quilt. As time went on I knew I really didn't want to make that quilt so I started playing around with Friendship Star which is in the center of the quilt. I had seen a quilt made of this block in a book, and after making the amount of blocks I have here, I was done with that. I always say I have the attention span of a Kindergartner. I get tired of things easily or I see something else I want to try, and off I go in another direction. I call this one Country Sampler and it has been a favorite of mine for years. I was always looking for a new class to teach and decided to offer this one. I always had one in progress so I could show the "how to" so I decided to choose a totally different type of fabric for this next one. I had been collecting the 30's reproduction fabrics for years and wanted to use them. I didn't need to show them any technique on the 2 end panels so I left them off of this one and it is a baby quilt.


  1. Thank you - it is possible to love brights and reproductions and "country" and whatever else and have all of them happily co-exist in your studio! Love the "attention span of a Kindergartener" phrase - it describes me to a "T"

  2. that's an excellent class project. I love the baby quilt and the 1st one would be a great QOV pattern.

  3. Thanks again for sharing your creativity and motivating me to get those UFOs out and look for fresh ways to make them interesting enough to finish!

  4. I love these ! Favored patterns all !
    Especially like the baby quilt !...and I have LOTS of repro prints !

  5. I really like both versions of that quilt. I like the simplicity of the Friendship star, & have used it to make my sister in law a quilt. Also have a soft spot for long cabins.
    I have awarded you a Rockin' Girl Blogger award. Please dont feel obligated if you dont wish to pass if forward. Just know I think your colours Rock!

  6. Wanda, You're getting me all excited about making bed quilts with blocks! I can't believe how wonderful this feels.
    O and I was given an address to a quilt shop only 38 minutes from my house in TN. Uh oh...

  7. It's amazing how different the two quilts look.


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