Sunday, September 17, 2017

Cutting the last blocks............

The blocks for the last 4 stars in Hunter Star have been cut.  I thought I might start sewing them but read and knitted instead.

I also cut the little pieces for the last four 2" pinwheels out of the scraps.  They are sewn but not pressed. A couple of them don't have much contrast between the dark and light but I think they will be fine.  Maybe I'll get the last 2 rows sewn onto the table runner today.


Sharon W. said...

Loving all your aboriginal work, and am slowly adding to the personal collection you have inspired. I particularly like the small squares you are threatening to make into a table runner. I think they would make a splendid center for a larger piece: hand dyed or Derse fabrics could work with other pieces of the aboriginals, and I'm sure you could work in a few of the larger blocks. Just a thought!!!!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Such an interesting melange of color and prints. Those fabrics are unlike others. Can't wait to see the whole thing.

JJM said...

Nice Sunday Post... I just checked Accu Weather for Sandwich... 79 already, a warm afternoon ahead for you.
Enjoy your day and just go out and set in the sun this afternoon.